On the next Double Down Film Show, we’ll be having a candid chat with former Sundance Programmer and author of the popular film book, How NOT to Make a Short Film, Roberta Munroe.
A long-time short filmmaker herself, Roberta spent many years programming the shorts selections for Sundance and other notable film festivals. On the job she gained many unique and valuable insights into the festival submission process from both sides of the application (many of which she shares in her book and seminar series of the same name).
- What are the advantages of shooting a short before your feature?
- What goes on behind the scenes of programming a film festival?
- What impact does individual cultural perspective have on festival judging?
- How can you increase your 1% chance of getting into Sundance?
- How can your choice of music impact your distribution potential?
- How should you NOT make a short film?
All of this insider festival info and more candid career wisdom will be revealed on the very next Double Down Film Show with special guest, Roberta Munroe. If you’re tired of getting film festival rejection letters, then this is the show for you.
A Video Promo for Roberta's Book:
The Double Down Film Show
Every Wednesday, 9pm - 10pm E.S.T.
Call-in Number: (646) 929-1956
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