The Place

There was a wide representation of the filmmaking community with all ages, races, sexes, and experience levels represented. Our youngest attendee was 14 and oldest was 60+ years and people came from as far away as Colorado, Ohio, and even Jamaica to hear the guerrilla film gospel...and they were not disappointed.
I really wanted to have the event at DCTV, because it's a non-profit filmmaking co-op in a beautiful building and an incubator for documentary filmmaking in New York City. I was barely out of diapers when this place was founded way back in 1972 by Jon Alpert and Keiko Tsuno. They have classes, lecture series, teach production and post-production, plus they are the most affordable rental house in town. So I like to show love to those that show it to fellow filmmakers.
Here's a few pix and attendee feedback from the event. For those of you that missed this inspiring day of learning, stay tuned for the Indie Film Boot Camp DVD release in about a month. (Discounted DVD pre-order offer coming soon!)

"Learned a lot of things, was reminded of others...I definitely appreciate the filmmaking camaraderie that was--and is--in the air. " - George S.
The rhythmic and world-famous Down and Dirty DV Guerrilla Film Drill Team started things off with some step-dancing and a guerrilla cadence and demonstration. This was a rare public appearance just to let you know that this is not ya mama's filmmaking seminar! (Much thanx to The Movement Theatre Company for putting it down.)
The Seminars
"I want to shout out and say I have mad respect and I learned so much actionable stuff...I practice a lot of the material you presented but it's priceless to get a new framework to work within. I hope to be in your presence again. You, are a hustler baby." - Vivek K.
I lead things off with my most popular seminar, Down and Dirty Filmmaking: Guerrilla Tactics for Professional Results (Get the DVD HERE!). This is basically a full primer in the mindset, techniques and tactics of modern guerrilla filmmaking. A lot people see the word, "guerrilla" and think that it somehow implies doing things half-assed. To the contrary, it's really all about the fine art of doing more with less.
"It was great to meet you and your team. You all really "made the day," and then some... Now I know more clearly what I have to work on. So, thanks for sharing your tools with us." - Maud D.
Next up, Benjamin Ahr Harrison (aka "The Video Whiz Kid") broke down for the crowd step-by-step his entire process for creating dazzling music videos and new media projects. From concept to production to post and getting it on-air, Ben shared some of his most coveted secrets and gave the crowd a rare glimpse into a music video director's methodology and mentality. Many attendees later commented that it was info that had never been shared with them before.

"I thought the event was extremely useful and the presenters were not only intelligent and knowledgeable, they had great energy and enthusiasm. I learned a lot more in one day than I've learned in any other class or seminar." - Survey Response
After that, I gave my Documentary Interview Boot Camp presentation. Which was a crash course in just about every relevant aspect of producing and shooting interviews that I could think of, from the lighting, to questions, to eye lines and make-up, I gave the attendees all the info anyone would need to go out and shoot better interviews with any subject.
Plus, I threw in some insider tactics, like How to Work a Press Conference and How to Get the Most Out of a Celebrity Interview. There's no one trick to good interviews, but a hundred little details...and I outline a whole lot of them.
I'm pretty sure some attendees brains were hurting after taking in so much info, so we gave them a break. (But for the record, I LOVE teaching classes like this and I could've kept going ALL night long without a break, if I thought the crowd wouldn't glaze over!)
After lunch my Double Down Film Show co-host, Premium director, Pete Chatmon, took the stage to school the crowd in The Psychology and Technique of Directing. I'm pretty sure every pen in the house was busy taking notes, cause I got 2 pages myself on everything from finding the moment in a scene to how to manage (and not manage) star actors as a first-time director.
Next up, Pete gave another note-worthy presentation about the #1 indie film mystery- How to raise all the money? In his seminar, Raising Funds and Pitching...Effectively , Pete broke down tactics, approach, and even numbers on how he put together a plan and raised the money for his feature film Premium.
Lastly, I closed out the show with my favorite seminar How to Break Into the Industry (Available on DVD - May 1st!). Between seminars I did a little costume change to make a visual point about appearances and perceptions in the industry. (I'd always rather show you, than tell you.)
If it was not already apparent to attendees why American Cinematographer magazine referred to me as a "DV Evangelist", it was definitely clear by the end of this seminar. I was in rare form and inspired to inspire the attendees with the most candid real-world no-B.S. advice I have ever given to would-be filmmakers. Specifically would-be filmmakers who aspire to be move up in larger companies and organizations. The presentation covers the 3 phases of entering the business - 1) Learning, 2) Breaking In and 3) Rising Up and I think it's the single most candid and valuable advice I've ever shared in public.
In the latter part of this seminar and give a simple, but effective 5-phase strategy for infiltrating and getting noticed and promoted at any company (filmmaking or otherwise) that I and others have applied successfully through the years- all with excellent end results. - Which as anyone who's attended any of my seminars, knows is what counts most in my book. If anybody, left before this seminar, I think you missed one of the best parts!
The After Party
A good time was had by all. New friendships were formed and old ones strengthened. Many business cards and war stories were traded. All-in-all, Indie Film Boot Camp was a success to me not just because of the numbers, but most importantly, because of all the people that left more prepared, knowledgeable and inspired to pursue their craft and forge a successful career in filmmaking.
We'll be dropping a new and improved Indie Film Boot Camp this Fall and incorporating many of your suggestions
Pre-order DVD's of all 6 Indie Film Boot Camp Seminars - Coming Soon!
Stay tuned to this blog for a special kick-off sale.