It's entitled Helium Man, has great production value and SPFX and I dare you to watch it and not crack a smile, if not bust a gut...enjoy!
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Guaranteed Smile on a Friday Afternoon...
It's entitled Helium Man, has great production value and SPFX and I dare you to watch it and not crack a smile, if not bust a gut...enjoy!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Get 10% Off Indie Film Boot Camp NOW!
Indie Film Boot Camp - Promo 3 from Anthony Artis on Vimeo.
Don't miss the debut of the hottest filmmaking seminar in town. Why is this seminar so hot?

There are a hundred other less tangible, but completely practical things that aren't really covered in standard film seminars and classes that you NEED to know before you plunge all the way in.
These are the real-world logistical, psychological and business aspects of filmmaking that can make or break any film shoot. (Think of it as the difference between what one might learn in Medical school versus what one will experience when dealing with real patients with complex issues.)
To be clear, these are all things that you WILL learn eventually if you keep making films, but the real question is how will you learn them?
The Hard Way? - through painful, time-consuming and expensive mistakes?
The Smart Way? - from other indie filmmakers that have already made those painful mistakes who can clearly tell you how to avoid them so you can hit the ground running instead of stumbling?
There's only one answer to me: Come to Indie Film Boot Camp

What type of painful mistakes are we talking about? Check out the videos on this page to see for yourself.
And just cause you're down with Down and Dirty DV, I'm gonna give you a 10% discount off the already insanely discounted Early Bird Price of $99.00 until March 6th. ($120.00 after!)
So that's a full day of premium filmmaking instruction from 3 dynamic speakers for only $89.00 if you ACT by this Sat. March 6th. (Take a minute and Google the term "filmmaking seminar". You won't find a better deal anywhere.) That's less than half the cost just about anywhere else, because I really want to get this info out there in the hands of the people that need it most.
Monday, March 1, 2010
"Madmen" Writer Bridget Bedard on the Next Double Down Film Show!

On the next Double Down Film Show we’ll have an open conversation with writer/director, Bridget Bedard.

Just five years removed from film school, Bridget now crafts scripts for two of the hottest new shows on the air, the runaway hit, Madmen, and the new series, Men of a Certain Age. Along with her writing colleagues, she recently won a WGA Award for Best New Series and was nominated for an award for Best Dramatic Series for her work on the first season of Madmen.
Bridget is a rare breed: a working female on a hit show in the heavily male-dominated writing segment of the business who didn’t have to work her way up from the bottom rung.
- How did she skip the normal path to the writer’s table?
- How does tv writing differ from feature writing?
- What do managers do for you that agents don’t?
- What did she learn in the “real world” that she didn’t in film school?
- What are the pros and cons of writing in N.Y. vs. L.A.?
Find out the answer to all these questions, plus a
whole lot more practical wisdom and advice for aspiring filmmakers as we probe for the formula to a successful television writing career on the next Double Down Film Show.
By filmmakers. For filmmakers. No fluff, puff, or silly stuff…just the real answers you need to succeed every Wednesday night at 9pm. Listen and learn!
The Double Down Film Show...
Filmmaking Reality Starts Here!
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This episode sponsored by :

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Every Wednesday, 9pm - 10pm E.S.T.
Call-in Number: (646) 929-1956
Listen to it on your computer
or phone live TONIGHT at 9pm
Stream or Download here:
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***PS - If you can't tune in live, you can always stream the show or download the .mp3 file later at the site above.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Indie Film Boot Camp Early Bird Discount EXTENDED!
Indie Film Boot Camp - Promo 2 from Anthony Artis on Vimeo.
We know many of you don't get paid until Friday, so by popular demand, we've extended the special Indie Film Boot Camp Early Bird Registration price of only $99.00 until Saturday, March 6th. Last chance to register for Indie Film Boot Camp for cheap! (Just don't say I didn't try to put you down before the price goes up again and the last seats sell out.)What type of practical tips and wisdom will we be doling out all-day long?
The same type of straight-up practical instruction that made our Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide the #1 film book in the country...Here's just a few brief minutes from one of 6 seminars of an 8+ hour day jam-packed with all the real-world tips, tactics and advice that we only learned the hard way:
Come to Indie Film Boot Camp on Sat. March 27th for much more practical real-world filmmaking instruction from myself, Pete Chatmon and new media and music video whiz kid, Benjamin Ahr Harrison.
Apart from guerrilla tactics for professional results, we'll be covering:
- Wooing and Directing A-List talent
- Making a Name for Yourself
- Fundraising
- Effective Pitching
- Documentary Interview Techniques and Logistics
- Attracting Investors
- Real Networking
- Low Budget Music Video planning and logistics
- Adding production value w/ After Effects
- Strategies for Rising Above Entry Level Jobs
- How and Where to Train Yourself
- Plus tons more straight up practical info!