Entertainment Weekly described it as a real-life version of The Wire and I have to concur. It's an unprecedented look at the inner-workings and heart of a troubled urban city. I've been watching it on Netflix streaming and I'm only on part 4 of 5, but I've enjoyed it so much and been so moved and fascinated that I had to share now.
The doc basically shifts between four main storylines - the inner-workings of Mayor Cory Booker's office, the Newark Police department's effort to curb its notoriously high murder rate, the fate of Central High a tough inner-city school and the personal life of gang members trying to go legit and mentor a new generation. Each in their own way is trying to reform their slice of a very rough and corrupt city against overwhelming odds.

It's also worth noting that the doc was beautifully shot on the Sony EX-1. Read more on the hi-def cinematography HERE.
Another great doc that touches on similar subject matter - the fate of the city of Newark - is Marshall Curry's, Street Fight, is a perfect warm-up film before watching this series and a powerful doc in it's own right.
Together, these documentaries paint a stunningly intimate portrait of an American city in crisis and the real people who are doing battle to save it and navigate the politics of a sick system. Docs like these are why I truly love the genre.