Ever wondered what was out there to help the Down and Dirty producer?
I talked with working producer, Christina DeHaven, about what programs she uses, and she recommended EP Scheduling and EP Budgeting. She told me in her opinion both are industry standards and the only software used across the board, and that almost all 1st ADs in the professional world us EP scheduling.
So I did a little research:
EP Scheduling
"Movie Magic's newest release offers increased flexibility and stability. With exciting new features and a more intuitive interface, based on input directly from the user community, a new level of scheduling versatility has been achieved. Breakdown your script, create scenes and enter all elements required for a shooting schedule.
Easily add elements to your breakdown sheets through a quick and simple interface. Drag and drop strip board in an easy to use visual interface. Pre-configured Reports - Breakdowns, shooting schedules, and Day out of Days are pre-configured or you can design your own. Import elements from popular screenwriting applications such as Final Draft and Movie Magic Screenwriter."

Click here for Standard Version. - $499.00

Click here for Academic Version - $194.00
EP Budgeting

In response we give you Movie Magic's newest release, EP Budgeting, this revolutionary new budgeting and cost estimation tool. Forwards and backwards compatible with Movie Magic Budgeting. Intuitive, flexible format allows users to create and edit comprehensive budgets of all sizes, for all types of productions. Budget Production with Greater Ease and Accuracy. Quickly becoming the entertainment industry standard!"
List Price: $499.00
Click here for more info or to buy https://webstore.entertainmentpartners.com/epstore/default.aspx?catalog_id=EP&category_id=EPB&product_id=EPB-100NW
Academic Version: $194.00
Click here for more info or to buy
Don't be confused by an older version of these programs called Movie Magic Budgeting and Scheduling. While these programs are still available for purchase and work with EP Budgeting and Scheduling, the latter are the newest releases and they are becoming the industry standard. Also note that Movie Magic will not work on Intel Macs.
But perhaps if your looking for a more economical purchase, Chistina also told me about another program that is attempting to compete by combining both the budgeting and scheduling aspects into one program:
Gorilla 4
"Producing a movie doesn't have to be difficult. With Gorilla, all of your information can be stored in one place: Budgeting, Scheduling, Crew, Cast, Profit-sharing, Editing Notes, and even Film Festival Submissions. When it's time to create reports, Gorilla can generate over 80 industry-standard reports, from stripboards to breakdown sheets, budget top sheets to variances, your entire production can be run from one program. Gorilla is the only software package built with the independent producer in mind. You have to do it all, so why not have software that can do it all too?"
Gorilla Pro: List Price $399.95

Unlimited Shoot Days
Unlimited Budget
Track Multiple Projects
Gorilla Standard: List Price $299.90

8 Shoot Day Limit
625,000 Budget Limit
Track Multiple Projects
Gorilla Student: List Price $199.95

14 Shoot Day Limit
50,000 Budget Limit
Track Multiple Projects
"Surprise!! You don't have to be a student to buy the Student Edition, all you need is a idea, a few people to work on your project and a copy of Gorilla, The Student edition. This edition includes everything you need to help put your production together. And when you are ready, upgrade to Pro."
All Versions are Mac and PC Compatible.
Available for Purchase at: Jungle Software
Other useful film production programs:
Reel Production Calendar

Reel Production Calendar can also import production schedules from Movie Magic and EP Scheduling and scripts from Final Draft.
Price $129.00 (Discount available to Current Film Students)
*Works with Windows only.
Click here for more info and to buy
Showbiz Budgeting & Actualization 7

Unlimited Budget Formats – AICP, AICE, CICP, Corporate Video, Film and Television – including all available studio charts of accounts.
Work with both Macs and PCs off one license.
Click here for more info or to buy the Standard Edition - Price $299.00
Click here for more info or to buy the Academic Edition - Price: $99.00