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Well, that book is history now. It's been written and released into the Universe. Now it's onto the next ultra-practical hyper-illustrated film book, The Shut Up and Shoot Filmmaking Guide which will focus on narrative production techniques and practice. If all remains on schedule, the new book will drop late Fall 2009.
I don't write these books fo me, but for you- new and old digital filmmakers with limited resources- otherwise known as The Down and Dirty DV Nation. So my question to all of you is:
What type of practical, hard-to-find, valuable, time and money-saving information would YOU like to see in the upcming Shut Up and Shoot Filmmaking Guide?
Holla at me with your ideas by leaving a comment below or feel free to email me at anthony@downanddirtydv.com.
If you are not on our FREE mailing list yet, make you sign up in the red box on our blog to recieve special offers and discounts on the new book as well as the first in the series and very long-awaited-almost-done-but-not-quite-yet instructional DVD on location audio recording.
Let a brotha know and I'll put it in there.