Thursday, December 18, 2008

HBO Gets Down With the Git Down

Apparently some of the major media outlets have taken note of my recent rants about how old media needs to transform itself into new media and retool their models or perish.

No doubt due in large part to this blog's massive influence on Hollywood taste and decision-makers, HBO has fired off a bold new shot in the old vs. new media wars.

Never shy to blaze a new trail, the smart people at HBO have switched up their game again, to debut the season 2 premiere of their hot new comedy series, "Flight of the Conchords" a full month early on the comedy website The series premiere will show on HBO starting January 18th.

The very laws of nature are such that all things, mass media included, must eventually evolve or die. HBO has wisely chosen evolution.

Bold and well done, HBO. Maybe your colleagues will take note as the pink slips continue to roll in.

Watch the full season 2 premiere episode of "Flight of the Conchords" right now, right here!:

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