Monday, March 21, 2011

Two New Docs on the Infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

HBO is premiering a new doc on the historic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire that sparked the modern Labor Movement. I was very struck with this story when I first read it in a third or fourth grade history book. You learn a hundred little lessons along the way, but this story always stuck with me. And now some 30+ years later I work a block away from this very building, so the story has even more personal resonance.

The American Experience series on PBS just did a an excellent hour show (The entire epiosode, plus extras is available free online - see below) on the same topic a month ago, so I'm curious to see how HBO's treatment will stack up.

I knew about the fire, but I really had no clue how rough and tumble life was in this very area a century ago...We've got nothing to complain about on any job compared to what these women and girls endured long before the fire even struck.

Watch the full episode. See more American Experience.

1 comment:

Anthony Q. Artis said...

Now that I've seen both, for the record, "The American Experience" documentary goes much deeper and is definitely the better of the two...and best of all. It's available in it's entirety free online!