Barry Hampe, the author of the documentary book, Making Documentary Films and Videos (2nd. Edition) gave his endorsement of The Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide in a post on the International Documentary Association's website, Documentary.org .
I should take this occasion to return the favor and point out that Barry's book is also an excellent resource for budding doc makers. I give more broad strokes of doc-making with a focus on specific technical and practical production tips...Barry gives more detailed strokes with a heavier focus on storytelling, ethics, and editing. Put both books together and you're well on your way to a dynamite doc...
Barry's "SU&S" Review for Documentary.Org

"The back door to film school is now open," Anthony Q. Artis writes at the end of his preface to The Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide. And it's true. He has lovingly placed a complete video production course between the covers of a book. Here are all the things a conscientious film teacher tells his students. And, new media being what it is, he's also included a DVD showing, among other things, examples of good and bad sound along with interviews with prominent documentarians...
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