This is an interesting little tidbit. An amateur videographer captured an incredible wild life sequence while on Safari and it was uploaded to YouTube where it quickly became one of the most popular clips on the site with millions of hits.
The sequence shows a 3-way confrontation between a herd of water buffalos, a pride of young lions and a very sneaky crocodile. A lot of people don't realize that professional wildlife photographers spend most of their lives planning, waiting weks and months and praying to capture such a rare and spectacular moment in nature and this lucky video hobbyist just stumbled upon it.
Not only that, but the clips popularity on YouTube got the interest of Nation Geographic who bought it and turned it into a one-hour special called "Battle at Kruger" which is now showing.
I was a little skeptical about how they would milk an 8-minute clip to make a one-hour show. And while there was the plenty of the expected repetition of of the footage, it actually offerd plenty of new insight and clearly put the YouTube clip into context. (And a YouTube clip actually seen in context is always a good thing.)
Check out the original uncut sequence here:
Read an article on the history of the clip here.
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