If you are one of the legions of filmmakers who are hard-core Star Wars fans, you my want to get a piece of this action... LucasFilm, AtomFilms, and SpikeTV have teamed up to sponsor a Star Wars fan video contest.
They are looking for Star Wars spoofs, documentaries, animation, and other film projects by fans. George Lucas himself will pick the top film which will be shown at Star Wars Celebration IV and on Spike TV. Check out the Contest Guidelines and post your entry on the website.
Hey, this may be your only chance to pitch Lucas that great Star Wars spinoff you've been going on about for years (or you could ask him what the hell he was thinking when he created Jar Jar Binks). Either way, sounds like fun for fans.
Check out some of the past Star Wars fan films.
It's really hard to resist ending with some corny Star Wars tagline, but I will mercifully spare you. Peace out.
Anthony, you wrote a couple of articles recently for Student Filmmaker magazine, is there any way to get them? Q.
I think they had plans to post back articles on the Student Filmmakers website, but it doesn't look like that happened yet. I'll post them on this blog shortly. Is there any particular article you're interested in? Maybe I can post that one first.
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