Wednesday, June 28, 2006

International Shout Out

I was just checking the old site meter and was surprised by how many international visitors have checked out the blog lately, especially since I haven't really started to promote this site yet. So I just thought I'd take a quick minute to give some love back with a quick Down and Dirty DV international roll call...

Down and Dirty DV Worldwide Live International Roll Call
June 2006:

  1. Finland
  2. South Africa
  3. United States
  4. Cyprus
  5. France
  6. United Kingdom
  7. Italy
  8. Japan
  9. Estonia
  10. Poland
  11. Germany
  12. Venezuela
  13. Netherlands
  14. Hungary
  15. Croatia
  16. Canada
  17. India

All over the world the digital revolution has taken hold and people are hungry to break with tradition and take filmmaking into their own hands. I see y'all, and I feel y'all. Keep doing that digital thang! Thanks to you Down and Dirty DV is officially Worldwide Live!

Peep the new podcast if you haven't already, stay tuned to the blog, and drop a brotha a line just to let me know you're still out there ( 'Til next time, I'm out.


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